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Aligning PhD Education with the Demands of the Modern Research Ecosystem

The article discusses the need to align PhD education with the demands of the modern research ecosystem, recognising that PhD graduates increasingly pursue careers outside traditional academic pathways. It outlines Maynooth University’s vision for its new Graduate Research Academy, and it advocates for a PhD experience that is more adaptable and supportive, allowing students to thrive in both academic and non-academic environments.

Professor Rachel Msetfi
Vice President Research and Innovation, Maynooth University

Supporting Parents to Navigate the Modern Digital Ecosystem

A research project on parental attitudes to STEM and digital technologies

Parents have a profound impact on children’s learning, interests and educational/career outcomes. This article describes our community action research project at National College of Ireland, which we are conducting with parents in Dublin’s north inner city. It explores their attitudes to and awareness of STEM, to discover how best to support parents in keeping their children safe, engaged, and learning in the modern digital ecosystem.

David Mothersill
Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Business, National College of Ireland

Nikki Ryan
Researcher, Early Learning Initiative, National College of Ireland

Céilim Rowsome-Kelly
Research Intern, Early Learning Initiative, National College of Ireland

Paul Stynes
Professor and Dean of School of Computing, National College of Ireland

Josephine Bleach
Director, Early Learning Initiative, National College of Ireland

Experiential Learning through Field Visits in Early Childhood Education and Care

The realm of learning and connection

This article reports on a research study exploring first-year students’ experiences of early childhood education and care (ECEC) field visits. It describes the benefits and challenges encountered, and summarises the findings. These include enhanced student motivation and the importance of preparing students adequately for field visits. The study suggests that such experiential learning could foster student engagement and professional development, enhancing their overall outcomes.

Siobhán Canavan
Adjunct Assistant Professor, National College of Ireland, and Part-Time Assistant Lecturer, South East Technological University
Anna Barr
Assistant Professor and Programme Director of the ECEC programme, National College of Ireland

The TUTOR Project: Reimagining Inclusive Education in Second Level and Further Education

An innovative, Europe-wide model for continuing professional development

The need for innovative professional development for educators has never been more critical. The Erasmus+ funded TUTOR project addresses this need by developing a comprehensive continuing professional development programme and a central hub for Europe-wide teacher exchanges, sharing of resources, and communities of practice. This article introduces and describes the TUTOR project structure, aims, and hopes.

Sinéad Matson
Postdoctoral Researcher, Maynooth University
Bernie Grummell
Associate Professor, Maynooth University

The Teachers’ Research Exchange (T-REX)

Transitioning into phase 3 of the project

The Teachers’ Research Exchange (T-REX) is a non-profit online community that was established to facilitate and support interdisciplinary collaboration on evidence-based practice and education research across numerous professional boundaries in Ireland. This article outlines the key features of T-REX and discusses the significant developments that occurred in 2024 during phase 3 of the project.

Ms Barbara Mulvihill
National Coordinator, T-REX
Dr Marek McGann
Project Lead, T-REX

Policy for Equity in Education

A critique of selected developments in 2024

Ireland’s DEIS policy (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) is approaching the 20th anniversary of its publication. Findings from a recent OECD review will undoubtedly influence its future. This article highlights how some of the issues raised in the review also apply to other policies, and it considers how learning from related policies may usefully inform DEIS.

Lorraine Gilleece
Research Fellow, Educational Research Centre

Sharon M. Nelis
Research Associate, Educational Research Centre

The Role of the Guidance Counsellor in Supporting Student Wellbeing in Schools

Guidance counsellors in schools play a pivotal role in supporting student wellbeing across personal, social, educational, and career domains. Their holistic approach helps students make decisions, cope with emotional challenges, and navigate their educational and career paths. However, limited guidance hours and inadequate resources highlight the need for increased support and recognition of their essential contributions to student wellbeing.

Dr Eimear McDonnell
Researcher, Institute of Guidance Counsellors 

Creating Inclusive Schools: Enhancing Educational Opportunities for Migrant and Refugee Children in Ireland

The article examines the integration of migrant and refugee children into Ireland’s education system, focusing on the challenges they face and strategies to improve their academic and social inclusion. It emphasises the importance of cultural integration programmes and partnerships with mental health professionals to create an inclusive environment. It argues that addressing these challenges is essential for the success of migrant and refugee children and fostering a more inclusive and cohesive Irish society.

Borui Zheng
Researcher in Psychology of Education, Trinity College Dublin
Dr Aoife Lynam
Assistant Professor in Psychology of Education, Trinity College Dublin
Prof. Conor Mc Guckin
Associate Professor in Psychology, Trinity College Dublin

Understanding How Student Teachers Engage with ‘Big Picture’ Thinking as Part of the History Junior Cycle Specification

The focus of this research builds on the new Junior Cycle History specification, which examines how ‘big-picture’ thinking can be used in Irish post-primary classrooms. This article examines the experience of student teachers in navigating the new specification and suggests possible supports to assist them in their practice.

Ruth Ferris
Lecturer in History Methods, School of Education, University College Dublin
John Dredge
Lecturer in History Methods, School of Education, University College Dublin
Ger O’Sullivan
Acting Director, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment

Autistic Student Experiences of Post-Primary School

Creating a space for autistic students to be heard

Drawing from the first author’s doctoral research, this article summarises the current and unique obstacles facing autistic young people enrolled in mainstream post-primary educational settings in Ireland. It highlights the urgent need to create a space for these students to be heard on matters affecting their lives.

Finbar Horgan
Education Officer, AsIAm, and PhD Candidate, Dublin City University
Dr Paula Kennedy-Flynn
Special Education Teacher, Templeogue College

Teacher Professional Development and Immersion Education

Spotlight on an Irish-medium teacher development programme

This article spotlights a programme in Trinity College Dublin for teachers in Irish-medium and Gaeltacht schools, outlining its key principles in the context of an international research base on teacher professional development and immersion education. It underscores the importance of collaborative learning, building leadership capacity in and through the programme, and the crucial role of practice and practitioner research.

Gavin Murphy
Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin

Literacy Learning during and after Lockdown

Insights from teachers in PIRLS 2021

In autumn 2021, following disruption caused by Covid-19, thousands of Fifth Class pupils in Ireland participated in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Questionnaires completed by their teachers offer insights into the experiences of literacy instruction during lockdown and the subsequent return to in-person education. This article summarises the questionnaire findings and draws conclusions on the pandemic’s impact on literacy learning.

Emer Delaney
Researcher, Educational Research Centre
Sarah McAteer
Researcher, Educational Research Centre
Vasiliki Pitsia
Researcher, Educational Research Centre

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