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Second Level


Top Prize Winner at SciFest National Final

Clare Reidy, sixth year student from Our Lady’s Bower School, Athlone, was named SciFest STEM Champion 2021 in November of this year.

Clare received the award for her innovative research project, which explored Cosmic Radiation Protection, investigating effective building materials for future exploration of Mars.

Clare’s victory will see her represent Ireland at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Atlanta, Georgia in May 2022.

Overview of the Second-Level Education Sector in 2021

This article provides an overview of the second-level education sector in Ireland as the Covid-19 pandemic hampers progress towards important reforms. Touching on major themes that feature in the chapter as a whole, it shows how ongoing inequality and underinvestment in education are intrinsically connected, and it argues that, instead of returning to ‘business as usual’, we now need to make the investment necessary to ensure inclusive and equitable education for all.

Emer Nowlan
Dr Emer Nowlan
CEO of Educate Together

Student Voice in Curriculum Policy

Partnership strategies for representation or participation?

This article discusses the nature of partnership in the formulation of national curriculum policy. The question of student voice shows the limitations of a purely representative interpretation of democracy. Curriculum policy formulation should strive for participatory democracy to allow the authentic voice of students to be heard in every classroom. The recent experience of the NCCA Development Group for Leaving Certificate Art provides an empirical source of reference for consideration.

Gary Granville
Gary Granville
Emeritus Professor, School of Education, National College of Art and Design, Dublin

European Cooperation in Education

Policy reflection and development in the field of education at the European Commission

Covid-19 has significantly disrupted education and training worldwide and in the European Union. This article presents the process of policy reflection and formation at the European Commission in the field of education, looking at the challenges, objectives, and framework for cooperation at EU level. The key instruments include the European Semester, European Education Area, and the Recovery and Resilience Facility as the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU.

Sylwia Sitka
Sylwia Sitka
Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission
Susanne Conze
Susanne Conze
Head of Country Analysis Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission

Bridging Worlds

Building a bridge for our educational ecosystem and linking formal and non-formal learning

The Bridging Worlds project, funded by Reinvent Ireland, is an exploratory programme with the ambitious aim of creating a wraparound model linking the formal and non-formal education sectors. It provides a comprehensive educational ecosystem to support young people, teachers, and youth workers and in particular provides proactive provision to support marginalised groups. In the context of Covid-19’s impact on young people’s educational experiences, the project aims to bring together the formal and non-formal education sectors in a shared learning initiative.

Cornelia Connolly
School of Education, National University of Ireland Galway

Sarah Haslam

Sean Campbell

Bernadine Brady
UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway

Connie O’Regan
UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway

Pat Dolan
UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway

Gerry MacRuairc
School of Education, National University of Ireland Galway

All in This Together?

New and enduring forms of inequality post-pandemic

Social inequality in education is an enduring feature of the Irish landscape, but the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted like never before the complex interplay between educational institutions and wider social structures which shapes unequal educational experiences and outcomes for Irish children and young people. This article explores educational inequality through this lens, and considers what can be done to build a better system as we return to normality.

Eamonn Carroll
Eamonn Carroll
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Education at the Economic and Social Research Institute
Selina McCoy
Associate Research Professor in Social Research at the Economic and Social Research Institute

Continuing the Implementation of Languages Connect

Navigating unprecedented change and progress through the pandemic

Anticipating, monitoring, and adapting quickly to change, enjoying the change, and looking forward to more change in the future are all things that Post-Primary Languages Ireland has become familiar with in the pandemic. Many of the changes have been positive and have accelerated progress towards realising the implementation of Languages Connect: Ireland’s Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education. Challenges have led to exciting new opportunities and projects, a few of which are outlined in this article.

Karen Ruddock
Director of Post-Primary Languages Ireland

Distributive Leadership

With contributions from four members of staff, this article looks at the development of distributed leadership in John the Baptist Community School in Hospital, County Limerick, and how that culture served the school positively during the pandemic.

Noreen Rafferty
Noreen Rafferty
Principal, John the Baptist Community School, Co. Limerick
Rachel Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Deputy Principal, John the Baptist Community School, Co. Limerick
Joe O’Connor
Joe O’Connor
Assistant Principal, John the Baptist Community School, Co. Limerick
Mary Sheehan
Mary Sheehan
Assistant Principal and SSE Coordinator, John the Baptist Community School, Co. Limerick

Other Chapters Ireland's Education Yearbook 2021

Ireland's Education Yearbook 2021 is supported by:

National University of Ireland

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