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Higher Education

Higher Education - Ireland’s Education Yearbook 2020

Orientation Week at Trinity College Dublin (pre-COVID)

Orientation Week is widely regarded as an important part of a student’s journey to full membership of the student body in the chosen university. Brimming with atmosphere and packed with activities both informational and entertaining, it is intended as a help to students in making a successful transition to university life.

Bridging Brexit: Cross-Border Collaboration in Higher Education

Ulster University’s efforts in educational and research collaboration are central to bridging Brexit. The university is part of a formal cross-border further education and higher education cluster, whose founding principle is to enable learning pathways at tertiary level in response to current and future challenges for the region. This article outlines those pathways and shows the strategic importance of cross-border collaboration.

Malachy Ó Néill
Ulster University

Social Engagement Experiences of Disabled Students in Higher Education

The social engagement of students in higher education leads to the development of a sense of belonging, resulting in greater student retention. Internationally, disabled students have been found to face additional barriers to their social engagement. This article presents the author’s PhD research on the social engagement experiences of disabled students in higher education in Ireland. It summarises the findings and reflects on their significance in the new Covid-19 environment.

Vivian Rath
PhD Student, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment during Covid-19

Reflections from the frontline of higher education

This article explores how Hibernia College, as a higher education institution, adapted to full-time online teaching, learning, and assessment during Covid-19. It reflects on changing pedagogies and the formation of a reimagined identity for teacher educators.

Mary Kelly
Head of School of Education, Hibernia College
Aoife M. Lynam
Director of Professional Master of Education (Primary) programme, Hibernia College

Travellers in Higher Education: Ambition and obstacles

Travellers’ growing educational ambition has emerged despite multigenerational discrimination and disadvantage. Covid-19-related strategies have exposed the fragility of this progress and threaten to reverse it, creating a lost education generation. Higher education institutions must engage with Traveller communities and support current and potential Traveller students. The power of community engagement has been shown in recent events, where Traveller students and organisations voiced their concerns and called for change to rights-based policies and practice.

Anastasia Crickley
Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Maynooth University
Máirín Kenny
Research Consultant

Ethical Challenges in Educational Research during the Pandemic

Implications for interviewing in the online environment

This article looks at what kind of research is being carried out at present and what ethical issues need to be considered in doing research in a pandemic. It focuses on the interview as a method of data collection and the inherent challenges that Covid-19 presents for researchers.

Majella Dempsey
Associate Professor, Department of Education, Maynooth University
Hillary Tierney
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Studies, Maynooth University

Developing Enabling QA Frameworks for Blended Learning

A strong culture of quality that promotes sustainable stakeholder engagement ultimately underpins quality resilience, that is, the ability of our quality frameworks to support dynamic environments in times of challenge and uncertainty. This article suggests areas for providers to focus on as they continue to develop the capacity of their QA frameworks to support the delivery of blended learning.

Ruth Ní Bheoláin
Chair, HAQEF; QA Officer, Hibernia College
Ronnie Harrison
Vice Chair, HAQEF; Head of Quality and Academic Affairs, Open Training College

Other Chapters Ireland's Education Yearbook 2020

Ireland's Education Yearbook 2020 is supported by:

National University of Ireland

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