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Second Level


Mapping the Implications and Potential of Generative AI in Post-Primary Education

Leaving Certificate reform dictates that all subjects implement an additional assessment component(s), to be worth at least 40% of the available marks. Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), while potentially transformative, is limited by certain factors, including how students use it. Though there is no concrete evidence that GenAI can achieve maximum marks with shallow engagement, this article argues that 40% assessment for projects is too high in light of GenAI.

Ryan Gallagher
Lecturer in Science Education, University College Cork

Second-Level Student Experiences in a Time of Change

As the Irish education system undergoes reform, a recent study at the Economic and Social Research Institute provides a timely opportunity to assess how students across different school contexts are faring. This article focuses on two themes from the findings: how school social mix shapes student experience, and how students are experiencing the revamped Junior Cycle programme.

Professor Selina McCoy
Head of Education Research, Economic and Social Research Institute

Lasair: Supporting Principals and Deputy Principals as Instructional Leaders

This article explores the pilot programme Lasair, designed to support principals and deputy principals as instructional leaders. Lasair aims to provide school leaders with key skills, competencies, and resources in the leadership of teaching and learning, thereby improving school outcomes by creating an environment in which the senior leadership team and teachers engage in conversations and practice to enhance teaching and learning.

Dr Sharon Coffey
Principal, Grennan College, Kilkenny, and Member of the Steering Committee for the Instructional Leadership Programme

Why an Up-to-Date Acceptable Use Policy is Critical for the Whole School Community

Schools should regularly review and update their acceptable use policies (AUPs) to reflect emerging digital trends, cyber threats, and legal requirements. This article reports on a review of AUPs from 32 large schools. It describes common issues, makes recommendations, and points to resources to help schools craft policies that foster a safe, responsible, and inclusive digital environment.

Ann Marcus-Quinn
Associate Professor in Technical Communication and E-learning, University of Limerick

Peer Instructional Coaching and Conferencing

Teachers supporting teachers: A powerful, strength-based model for teacher professional learning.

Reciprocal peer coaching is a powerful way to support teacher change and is well supported by research. Yet it remains a relatively new form of teacher professional learning in Ireland. This article outlines a recent pilot programme with teachers, deputies, and principals who explored peer instructional coaching and conferencing and trialled it in their schools. It considers the potential of this support strategy in relation to Ireland’s current educational policy landscape.

Dr Rebecca Saunders
Acting Vice Dean, Mary Immaculate College

A Snapshot of Inclusion in Irish-Medium and Gaeltacht Post-Primary Schools in 2024

This article provides a snapshot of the inclusive education landscape in Irish-medium and Gaeltacht post-primary schools in 2024. It discusses the positive practices in place in these schools, the benefits of this form of education for students with additional educational needs, and the challenges that schools face in meeting the needs of all students.

Dr Sinéad Nic Aindriú
Assistant Professor, Institute of Education, Dublin City University
Katie Ní Mhaoláin
Research Assistant, Institute of Education, Dublin City University

Teaching Consent for Healthy Relationships

Why sexual literacy is an important part of the new Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum

Internet access means that the days of ‘if we don’t talk about it, it doesn’t happen’ are gone. This article outlines how education on consent and sexual literacy can help young people make informed decisions that respect themselves and others and lead to healthy attitudes and relationships.

Siobhan O’Higgins
Training and Education Lead, Active* Consent Programme, University of Galway

WorldWise Global Schools: Bringing the True Meaning of Sustainability to Irish Secondary Schools

WorldWise Global Schools, Ireland’s national Global Citizenship Education programme for post-primary settings, supports hundreds of schools to take a whole-school approach to sustainability and issues of global justice and equality. It considers all pillars of sustainability in its programme – not just environmental but social, cultural, and economic. This article outlines its work and details some of the projects undertaken by schools.

Lizzy Noone
Education Officer, WorldWise Global Schools

One Hundred Years of Curriculum-Making in Ireland: What Have We learned in Science Education?

This article looks at curriculum development in upper secondary education in Ireland. It seeks to problematise the partnership model used by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, where all voices are not equal. In particular, it focuses on the neoliberal influence on STEM education, where there is an unhealthy focus on qualifications.

Dr Majella Dempsey
Associate Professor, Maynooth University
Dr Thomas Delahunty
Associate Professor, Maynooth University

Teaching How to Think B!G

Creative thinking skills are not a ‘nice to have’ but a core element of education

The B!G Idea programme, launched in 2021, gives students first-hand experience of combining imagination with logic and the messy, nonlinear nature of real-world problem-solving. It supports teachers and mentors through online resources and a free professional development workshop on creative skills. This article outlines its structure, results, and aims for the future.

Kim Mackenzie-Doyle
Founder and CEO, The B!G Idea

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