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Further Education & Training

FET - Ireland’s Education Yearbook 2020

Apprentice Employer Incentivisation Scheme

Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, and Dr Mary Liz Trant, Executive Director, SOLAS, attended the launch of the Apprentice Employer Incentivisation Scheme in July 2020.

Announced as part of the government’s July jobs stimulus package, the scheme provides for a €3,000 payment for each new apprentice who is registered by eligible employers.

Meeting Legislative and Governance Compliance during Covid-19

How Ballyfermot College of Further Education rose to the challenge

FET colleges were challenged by Covid-19 to meet all legislative, governance, and compliance requirements off-site. This involved a transformation of face-to-face FET provision to a fully remote model overnight. This article details how management and staff of Ballyfermot College of Further Education achieved a smooth transition in the crisis.

Cecilia Munro
Principal, Ballyfermot College of Further Education

Flexibility, Accessibility, Voice, and Choice

Universal design for learning can help us reach every FET learner

This article makes the case that adopting universal design for learning in further education and training (FET) can help us reach every learner and reduce barriers to learning in the FET classroom. By offering flexibility, accessibility, voice, and choice in mainstream teaching and learning practice, we can reduce the need for individual add-on supports and provide a rich and engaging learning experience that benefits everyone.

Dara Ryder

An Education and Training Board’s FET Quality Assurance response to Covid-19

Stress-testing a new ETB governance structure

Covid-19 presented unprecedented challenges to all aspects of FET provision in City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). After careful consideration, a number of procedures had to undergo almost immediate alteration. In 2018/19, CDETB adopted new corporate Quality Assurance (QA) structures. This article outlines how the new structures and systems responded to the pandemic.

Blake Hodkinson
Director of Further Education and Training, City of Dublin ETB

Adult and Community Education as a Pathway to Further Study

Lifelong learning in support of social inclusion and access to work-based learning

This article highlights the importance of adult and community education as a pathway to further study and work. It looks at how this form of education provides flexible, lifelong learning opportunities that support social inclusion and access to work-based learning for citizens, and how this learning option has been affected by the pandemic.

Fiona Maloney
Director of Further Education and Training Support Services, Education and Training Boards Ireland

A New Level 5 and Level 6 Proposition

What might it look like, and how might we achieve it?

A strategic objective of the new National Further Education and Training (FET) Strategy is to develop a new level 5 and level 6 proposition. This article takes the current suite of level 5 and level 6 FET programmes as a starting point and discusses what this new proposition could look like and how it might be achieved. It concludes with a proposal for charting a way forward.

Rory O’Sullivan
Chair of Further Education and Training Colleges Ireland

Kerry College: The Journey to an Integrated FET College

Further education and training in Kerry was delivered in disparate fashion until recent years, when it was decided to integrate provision into a single college across multiple campuses. This article describes the steps involved in planning and establishing an integrated FET college in Kerry, and outlines the benefits of the transformation.

Colm Mc Evoy
Chief Executive Officer, Kerry Education and Training Board
Owen O’Donnell
Director of Further Education and Training, Kerry Education and Training Board

Reducing Educational Disadvantage in the Pandemic

One working group’s efforts to tackle inequality

Marginalised groups have seen their disadvantages worsen during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of the supports that were in place must now be offered in a different way. A working group dedicated to mitigating educational disadvantage, set up by the author, met throughout 2020 with a singular practical focus on disadvantaged learners in Ireland. This article outlines its work.

Niamh O’Reilly

Other Chapters Ireland's Education Yearbook 2020

Ireland's Education Yearbook 2020 is supported by:

National University of Ireland

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