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Creative Youth is a government plan to enable the creativity of every child and young person in Ireland.

It states its commitment to ensuring that every child will have practical access to tuition, experience, and participation in music, drama, arts, and coding by 2022.

Education at the Heart of the University

The Institute of Education at Dublin City University

DCU is unique in Ireland in having a full faculty of education. This article outlines the history and structure of the university’s Institute of Education and shows how it will be centrally engaged in transforming the Irish education system and contribute significantly to knowledge creation and policy development across international education systems.

Prof Brian Mac Craith
President, Dublin City University
Anne Looney
Executive Dean, Institute of Education, Dublin City University

Towards an Integrated Tertiary Education System

A Practitioner’s Perspective

This article explores the idea of an integrated tertiary education system in Ireland from a practitioner’s point of view, giving prominence to the student perspective. It looks at the potential for the Regional Skills Fora to provide a framework for a more integrated approach to tertiary education provision, and offers proposals for mapping a way forward.

Dr Diarmuid O’Callaghan
Campus Principal, Technological University Dublin
Dr Rory O’Sullivan
Principal, Killester College of Further Education

Redressing the Sustainability Paradox of Education

Infusing education for sustainability in higher education programmes

This article introduces the sustainability paradox of education, highlighting the urgency for reform in the processes and practices of education to address global challenges. It outlines how education for sustainability can be infused in education, with a focus on higher education.

Dr Charlotte Holland
Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Research, DCU Institute of Education, and Director, RCE Dublin

Professional Development Planning

Bridging the gap between staff and institute needs

The key to the success of an institutional framework for professional development (PD) is to find and maintain a balance between staff and institute-level goals. A PD framework is needed that supports staff to fulfil their personal PD needs in tandem with institutional goals. This article offers an approach to PD planning based on a discussion of goal-framing theory and contextualised by the National Forum’s PD Framework.

Ruth Ní Bheoláin
Hibernia College, chair of HAQEF
Dr Tony Murphy
Dublin Business School

Funding and HEI performance

The relationship between resources and HEI performance

Analysis shows there is a link between HEI resourcing and HEI performance both for Irish and UK institutions. Without an increase in resources, it is difficult to envisage how any tangible improvement in performance can result from the Technological University process. Indeed, the TU process could be counterproductive, as expectations created in key stakeholder groups may prove difficult to reach.

John Casey
Lecturer, School of Business, WIT
Cormac O’Keeffe
Lecturer, School of Business, WIT
Ray Griffin
Lecturer, School of Business, WIT

Inclusion or Containment?

A reality for learners with autism in mainstream primary schools

This article presents stark evidence that the current practice of inclusion of children with autism in mainstream primary schools reflects a containment approach, and is maintaining the idea that being a ‘different’ learner requires a ‘special’ approach and environment.

Dr Carol-Ann O’Síoráin
Lecturer in Education, School of Education, Hibernia College
Prof. Michael Shevlin
Professor of Inclusion, School of Education, Trinity College

Rethinking the Educational Ecosystem

A Universal Design Approach

Universal design has the potential to transform the educational system to be an equitable and inclusive environment that celebrates the idea that ‘it’s normal to be different’, through co-designing a learning experience between the learner and the educators that is rewarding and empowering for all.

Dr Gerald Craddock
Senior Officer, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
Dr Larry McNutt
Registrar, Technological University Dublin, Blanchardstown Campus

Other Chapters Ireland's Yearbook of Education 2019 2020

Ireland’s Yearbook of Education 2019-2020 is supported by:

National University of Ireland

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